The consumer has the rights foreseen by paragraph 1519-septies of Lgs. Decree 24/2002 (Italian Legislative Decree n. 24 of 2nd February 2002
“Implementation of Directive 1999/44/EC on certain aspects of the sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees” published in the Gazzetta
Ufficiale n. 57 of 8th March 2002 – Ordinary Supplement n. 40), which rights remain unprejudiced by the guarantee provisions indicated here following.
The guarantee is offered by Quick; Via Piangipane 120/A 48100 Piangipane (RA) Italy. All rights of guarantee are strictly dependant on presentation
to the company Quick of the following documents:
- A document proving purchase of the product and purchase date. (Invoice bearing the description of the item);
- The serial number (printed on the label fixed to the item and in the user’s manual)
The holder of the warranty right is the buyer or the user of the product. All articles sold by Quick are guaranteed for a minimum
period of 3 (three) years from the date of purchase of the product at zero duty (work) hours. The warranty covers all manufacturing
The product is not covered by the warranty in the following cases:
- Incorrect or improper installation
- Products damaged by negligence
- Products damaged by incorrect connection
- Damages and breakage that may have occurred during transport
- Warranty requests of Quick for presumed defects or problems caused by incorrect installation
- Maintenance carried out by personnel not authorized by Quick
- Use of non original spare parts
- Damage resulting from uses other than those prescribed by Quick
- Removal or cancellation of the serial number
- Dismantling or removal of the components of the item.
The guarantee does not specify complete replacement of the item. The warranty only covers the replacement of the parts needed for the product’s
return to working order and relative labour. Replacement or repair is solely at the discretion of Quick. Quick is not responsible for direct,
consequential, incidental or special damages deriving from any defect covered by the guarantee or otherwise, this including lost profits, lost service, and
any damage to or replacement of capital goods or property. The guarantee does not include packing and transport costs, or any travel expenses that
might result from any intervention requested at the customer’s site. The buyer is responsible for all costs resulting from the removal and re-installation of
the product. In addition, the customer is not entitled to claim any refund for additional expenses or for the immobilization of the boat. Intervention under
the guarantee does not result in entitlement to extension/renewal of the guarantee period. Defective parts replaced under guarantee remain the
property of Quick. The guarantee is recognised in any country where the product is sold, inside and outside the European Union, according to the
specific legal regulations in force. The above replaces any other verbal or written information communicated to the purchaser. No person or persons are
authorized to communicate information, on behalf of Quick, that differs from the present statement.